About Me

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United States
Wife of Mountain Runner Mike,mother of Cotton, Tristan, and Justus. Lover of family and friends. SuperStar Director of an awesome Scentsy team. I can bake a beautiful loaf of bread, and love making my house a home. Come and sit a while.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fun dishtowels

These are the latest dishtowels I have put together with scraps and awesome flour sack towels. These wash up nicely and they are the dishtowels I grab for first. I have made 2 other sets of these for sis and friend and these will be given to my friend Dannette tomorrow for her birthday. Perhaps you should give these a try. Peace out.


Ali the B. said...

CUTE! you are so creative!!

Carolee said...

As a recipient of these fine linens I must say they are the bomb. I use mine daily unless they are in the laundry. I too have a b-day coming up hint;)hint;).

Hezstone said...

CUTE>.uhm..yes, I am thoroughly enjoying the ones I got for Christmas from Lo Lo..do you have to have a surger to make these?? (did I spell surger right?) LOL..
Love the Valentine Scentsy..

Jackie said...

Ahhhh I think you forogt you adopted me as your new sis (hint, hint) :) Love and miss ya

Bobbilynn said...

I found your blog through Jan's. I can't believe how tall your boys are! They're growing so fast. Looks like things are good. Hope you guys had a great holiday season! My blog is private so if you want to see it I need your email address.


Talk to you later!
ps does Cody have a blog?

Erin. said...

You remember that MY birthday is in August right??? Hint, Hint.....