Wally's bandage had smiley faces all around it.
Poor Wally! Friday Mike went mountain biking and took Wally with him. Wally loves to go running with Mike, he loves to be free! Well, they went at 5:30 p.m. in very hot, humid heat. After the bike ride Wallly jumped in his kennell and Mike drove to Christofferson creek to let Wally play in the stream. Wally came out of the kennell and tried to jump out of the back of the truck but he had no use of his back legs and fell onto the ground and dragged himself to some bushes. Mike put him in the stream to help him cool off and ran him back home. He was lethargic, barely breathing and paralyzed. Now you know I have had struggles with this black Lab for the last 18 months and have blogged some mean things about him but I shed a tear or two when he was so close to death.
Took him to the vet where they won't even look at the dog unless you sign a paper saying you agree to pay $500 for them to take a look. Wally is Tristan's best friend and he was there and very upset, so Mike signed the papers and the vet took care of Wally.
Come to find out the sweet dog had heat stroke. So strange that heat stroke manifests itself by paralyzing a dog's body and can take life away from such a spirited hound. He stayed overnight at the vet and Mike picked him up Saturday morning. I have never been so happy to see that dog as I was then, and he could walk again! He is almost back to his normal antics and I am so glad he is o.k.
Poor thing!!! What a relief that he's ok. I didn't realize that could happen to a pooch who is so active.
There's a doggie in this house I'm not loving tons, but I'd be heartbroken if anything happened to her. Isn't that crazy?
Poor Wally!! I ront rink ro
$500 buys a lot of quilting supplies. Just think about that next time you have a "bleeding heart" attack. Of course I am glad the Wally is O-Tay! Damn things, can't live with them, can't live without them.
Poor little Wally and poor little pocketbook!!
i was thinking of wally the other day while looking at tether balls at dick's. Glad he is ok. luv ya guys.
Hey Vickie!
We have spent plenty of money on our little furry family friend too. (Lilly has pulled stunts like getting her ear caught in a paper shredder - that was a tear-jerker; and pulling her hips out of joint)
Funny how they become so dear to us. Glad Wally is doing better!
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