I want to share a few pics from outside my home that have made me smile today.
This sweet turtle was a Mother's day present from my husband and 3 sons and I think he is the best turtle a woman could ask for. Thank you Mike, Cotton, Tristan and Justus I love you.
Today I had an encouraging bowel movement after going without one for 6 days due to having my uterus (should she be capitalized?)Uterus ground up into small pieces and removed via 4 slits in my tummy followed by the immidiate removal of 2 very appreciated and well used ovaries last Thursday. To reward myself for a job well done I asked my mom to take me to get a pedicure and that is exactly what we did. I enjoyed spending time with my mom and the customer service was scentsational, the only thing missing was Loretta. As you can tell from the title of this post the pain meds are still in the system.
Hurray for the pain meds. Your toes are beautiful.
Your turtle is pretty dang cute too!
look damnit! can't you sit still for a moment? you MUST be careful and take it easy. next thing you know, your family will expect you to pick up right where you left off. 2 weeks do nothing: those were the doctor's orders. obey!!
p.s. however, your toes are very cute:)
What a friend I am...I've been meaning to call you and see how you and your uterus-less body are doing...please know that even though I'm a freakishly busy person, and somewhat of a flaky friend, I am still thinking about you and those cute toes of yours. I am glad you're on the pain meds still and I'm wondering if I may borrow some? I feel as though I might deserve a 2 week rest period myself. Glad you're better, even though your ovaries and uterus gave out. Who needs them anyway? And, I'm totally jealous of your turtle...as you may have read, my Mother's Day was s*&tty and I'm still pissed about it....have a good day, my friend....(now re-reading this, I should have sent you an email instead of taking up 4 feet of space in your "comments" section)
I love the pedi...waaaaaaaaaaay cute! I love your britches that you are wearing....so stinkin' fun! Bravo on the BM!
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