This cute gal has nothing to do with Scentsy. Her name is Rose and she was our waitress at Bubba Gump's on our final evening in Denver. I put a smile on her finger and now we are friends on Facebook. She was being a little bit of a stinker with our group and instead of letting her know that she was #1 I made her smile. Amazing what a Sharpie can do.
This is my friend Amanda, we met at Director retreat in January and we both presented at the Scentsy World Tour last May in Salt Lake. She is a wonderful gal to know!
This is beautiful, Stephanie, she is pregnant with her 3rd child. I was excited to see her at the airport and we posed together for this pic at the reception before awards night. Steph is strikingly beautiful and I am blessed to know her.
Here is Jon who is employed by Scentsy. He is over communications and I consider him my big Scentsy brother. He has brought to Scentsy amazing ideas and he makes me laugh!
Shut up! This Michelle from Nevada. We met in 2009 at Director Boot Camp. We have giggled together until tears have formed in our eyes! She is amazing and kind.

This picture includes Lindsay, Jaqui, Tanya, Annette, and Crystal. These consultants are on my friend Tanya's team and the are very entertaining. My favorite thing about Scentsy is that ANYONE can sell Scentsy, you do not have to look a certain way, wear certain clothes, or act like someone you are not. You can be authentic. Love these women.

Here I am with my roomies and Amanda Gore who was a presenter at convention. We stood in line to purchase her book - The Gospel of Joy -. Amanda is from New Zealand and everyone loved her message. She taught us the Sharpie smile on the finger, "Hello!"

Sweet, sweet Joy! I didn't get to visit with her until the last evening. She is so funny and has a kind heart.

Gina, Andrea, JoDee and Cristy. These are the consultants on my team that attended convention. They are all related - two pairs of sisters and all are cousins. They have attended every convention for the past 3 years. They wore the hats I made and I didn't hear one complaint!
Katie, Jess, and Dannette. As Superstar directors we put together a meet and greet for our groups with door prize drawings, awards, instruction and recognition, there were 120 and then some consultants who showed up. This was alot of work but it was successful and a wonderful opportunity to connect with our groups before convention began.

Here are Crystal and Lindsay. Annette calls them the babies, because they are young and full of energy! They kept me laughing. In my group Crystal is like a great-grand daughter and Lindsey is like a great, great-grand daughter to me.

Here is my friend Jen. I have known her through Scentsy for just over 2 years. I believe we are kindred spirits. She is thoughtful, shy and kind.
There were so many other consultants who attended that I did not have an opportunity to share here. Suzanne, Julie, Wendy, Karen, Erva and her team and others too. Love them all so very much and consider them my Scentsy family. What an amazing company! Wait until you see what is coming from Scentsy in September!
This picture includes Lindsay, Jaqui, Tanya, Annette, and Crystal. These consultants are on my friend Tanya's team and the are very entertaining. My favorite thing about Scentsy is that ANYONE can sell Scentsy, you do not have to look a certain way, wear certain clothes, or act like someone you are not. You can be authentic. Love these women.
Here I am with my roomies and Amanda Gore who was a presenter at convention. We stood in line to purchase her book - The Gospel of Joy -. Amanda is from New Zealand and everyone loved her message. She taught us the Sharpie smile on the finger, "Hello!"
Sweet, sweet Joy! I didn't get to visit with her until the last evening. She is so funny and has a kind heart.
Gina, Andrea, JoDee and Cristy. These are the consultants on my team that attended convention. They are all related - two pairs of sisters and all are cousins. They have attended every convention for the past 3 years. They wore the hats I made and I didn't hear one complaint!
Katie, Jess, and Dannette. As Superstar directors we put together a meet and greet for our groups with door prize drawings, awards, instruction and recognition, there were 120 and then some consultants who showed up. This was alot of work but it was successful and a wonderful opportunity to connect with our groups before convention began.
Here are Crystal and Lindsay. Annette calls them the babies, because they are young and full of energy! They kept me laughing. In my group Crystal is like a great-grand daughter and Lindsey is like a great, great-grand daughter to me.
Here is my friend Jen. I have known her through Scentsy for just over 2 years. I believe we are kindred spirits. She is thoughtful, shy and kind.
looks like too much fun. I just did the smiley face fingers on my kids in primary. They loved it too. luv ya
Love this post Vickie! I showed my kids "TADA!" and They have been doing it all day now! I also showed the smiley face to my class in Primary! Here's a little TaDA of my own: I rec'd my Scentsy bracelet in the mail while I was gone with my 1st charm for Scentsational Trainer. It is so awesome when your very own children get genuinely excited for you accomplishments, as mine did. Made me cry!
Life of the party, you are! Looks like a bunch of fun with your Scentsy family. Glad you're back safe:)
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