Last October I had the opportunity to attend Scentsy Director Boot Camp in Boise, Idaho. This is a training program for Scentsy Directors to learn from the best, how to run a Successful Scentsy business, including consultant training, organization, conflict resolution, etc. Every Scentsy Director should make this a must!
This is Jason Harwood, he had awesome information for us and made us giggle more than once.

Please skip this picture and go to the next picture of Joal Curtis, Scentsy's part-time psychologist (really? Yes, really, Scentsy has a psychologist)
This is Joal, he taught a great workshop on conflict resolution with customers, consultants, really any conflict you may have with another human being. He told us that every conflict can be resolved as long as you know what the fear of the person you are having the conflict with is. He boiled this down to every person who is having a conflict has the same fear of dying from results of the conflict, but he didn't tell us this answer, we had to figure it out. Blah, blah, blah, So, in the above picture of me I was saying to Mr. Joal Curtis, "So I can just tell the conflicted person, look, you're not going to die." He said, "That is the answer but, you're not going to tell them that, you are going to help them realize this and help them feel safe, therefore they will know they are not going to die." Well, this was a huge light bulb moment for me, since this bootcamp I have been able to use this conflict resolution with others and ALOT in my own life. YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DIE! Bring on 2010!
Here is my graduation pic from bootcamp. I learned alot and had a great time. Poor Orville closed his eyes in this picture, oh well, he's not going to die.
Love that.......I am going to use that.......
Sorry I commented on my sons logged in name...sorry...this is Kayola
Ahh, Vickie! Love those lightbulb moments! That statement may well become my mantra for the year...thanks for the recipe for the rolls too, and Happy New Year!
hee hee! So true Vickie! When I was short-selling my house, my realtor explained that I might end up in forclosure or even bankruptcy...I totally freaked out and all he said was "Melissa-I've never heard of anyone dying from bankruptcy"....and all was well again...:) So silly, but it works! We miss you!
Yes, I know that you have used this many time in the last year. Mainly on me......Yes I am still going to die if I don't run.... I am still going to die if I don't go to In and out. Because if I go to in and out and don't run, Yes I will die.
So what you are telling me is that you learned some invaluable team crisis management skills at boot camp! Meeting Joal was my personal highlight... that Joal is an amazing man.. so kind, so gentle... we are all better because of him! :)
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