About Me

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United States
Wife of Mountain Runner Mike,mother of Cotton, Tristan, and Justus. Lover of family and friends. SuperStar Director of an awesome Scentsy team. I can bake a beautiful loaf of bread, and love making my house a home. Come and sit a while.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

It's about time!

Finally, some real Utah snow has fallen and continues to fall.  It is beautiful and peaceful. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Half white, half wheat

I baked bread last week.  My boys came home from school and ate a loaf with butter and strawberry freezer jam.  This bread makes a to-die-for grilled cheese sandwich too.

6 cups warm water
14-ish cups of flour (6 white and 8 wheat)
2/3 cup honey
2 T. salt
2 T. SAF yeast
2 T. dough enhancer
6 quarter sized filled in circles of liquid soy lecithin

Start with water in bowl and add 3 cups each of white and wheat flour, yeast and dough enhancer.  Mix til combined, then let sponge for 10-15 minutes.
Add honey salt and lecithin, squirt the lecithin into the bowl in a filled circle the size of a quarter times 6 and mix with kneading paddle for 8-10 minutes. 
Grease pans and form dough into loaves.  I usually get 4 loaves from this recipe.  Cover and let raise until double in size and put into a cold oven.  Bake at 350 degrees for 37 minutes. 

Mary's Heart

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Looky here.  This was a fun quick project that I found at Just Sew in Highland.  The applique was fun.

As you can see Huck was not impressed in the least.

I fell in love with the red and white baubles.

However, I will tell you that this is my favorite bauble of all.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

No room at the Inn

November 2009 was a year when there was no room at the Inn for the Nativity at the Draper Temple.

Cotton finished his Eagle project and now the Nativity is not homeless.  Monday evening our family went to see the Nativity and I couldn't help but feel so incredibly blessed to have had the opportunity to be Cotton's mom.  Good job Cotton!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yo-Yo puppy

Hello there, I started this little guy a year ago and had all the Yo-Yos done and hid in my deluge of quilting supplies.  I finally took the time to make the head and I think he is adorable.  I don't think I would give this to a small child, there was far too much work put into it.  45 Yo-Yos and something about a gusset on the head and actually making the pattern pieces form a head?... that was hard.

I am excited for Thanksgiving.  I have so many blessings to be thankful for: my family, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, a wonderful husband who loves me, 3 sons who make me laugh and make me proud to be there mom, good health, a warm home, a fridge with adequate amounts of Diet Coke and Dove Peppermint Bark hidden in my sewing room. 

Wishing everyone a safe, Happy Thanksgiving.  The END.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Last night I finished the binding on this fun quilt.  I love it! 

I think this is my favorite block of stitching,  love her apron and the candy cane line.

This block reminds me of being hit in the eye by a snowball thrown by a very mean boy at Greenwood Elementary school during lunch recess in the third grade.  As you can tell the scene will forever be crystal clear in my mind.

I loved adding the satin to a few of the pieced blocks.

Brr... snow everywhere this morning,  worked out perfect for pics of the quilt. 
Did you know that birds eat these Pyrocantha berries in the winter and they get a little drunk from them?  You learn something new every day.

I love my MaryJane.  I know she would love to quilt with me if she could.  Have a wonderful Monday! 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Called to Serve

Tomorrow afternoon my nephew Jordan will enter the Missionary Training Center where he will prepare to be a full-time missionary in Honolulu, Hawaii.  I gave him his OFFICIAL missionary hair cut this afternoon.  I love you J.J. and am so proud to be your Aunt Vickie.

This is an amazing family!  Jordan is going to be missed by everyone in this picture; especially his twin brother Jordan.
Bella, Marci, Jordan, Shawntell, Perry, Lori, Cody, Melissa, Megein, Jacob, Trinitee and Austin.

What about Bob? (my nephew Cody - what a character!  Love you Cody.

My niece Meigen will be sending in her papers to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in December.  Meigen, enjoy this short skirt while you can cuz it aint happening on the mission!  Love you Meigen.

Bella Mae, need I say more?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Night Before Christmas

I just joined the BOM at Fat Quarter Shop for this quilt. Beginning January 2011 - October 2011 I will receive a pattern and fabric kit at the beginning of each month to create these adorable blocks. 

This is the first block that I saw for this quilt and knew immediately that I wanted to do it.

This mouse reminds me of my boys when they were small.  I made them all red flannel p.j.s for Christmas eve on year, and Justus looked just like this little mouse.

Won't you join me in making this sweet applique quilt?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hocuspocusville finished!

This is the Le Witche Boutique where you can pick up a hat before the 31st.

This is Bristle Lube where I always go to get a tune up and extra splinters,

And of course Hermoine's salon.

I have worked on this fun quilt for three Octobers now and you can see I am a little frazzled from the long hours of stitching.

All frazzledness worth the outcome.  I finished the binding on my Haloween quilt today and now it will be on my be until November 1st.  I love it!

Y'all come back now ya hear?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's Autumn Time

It's Autumn time, it's Autumn time, the leaves are falling down,
I'ts Autumn time, it's autumn time, there's beauty all around!
Today was the first day in an incredibly long time that I have had to dust, and decorate a little for Fall, (or Autumn as I learned from singing time in primary at the American Fork 1st ward chapel). 

I love this huge, spent sunflower head.  I think she is as beautiful now as she was when she was blooming!

My tomatoes were not big producers this year.  I have been able to can 21 quarts so far and I am hoping for one more picking before it gets cold.  This batch I added a red Anaheim pepper, cumin, chili powder, basil and cilantro so when I make chili my spices will already be mixed in.  B-E-A-UTIFUL!  Take care and don't forget to write.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Swiss Days at Midway Market

This past weekend my fellow Scentsy consultant Tanya and I shared a Scentsy booth at Swiss Days at Midway Market in Midway, Utah. 

This picture was taken on Saturday morning during the parade when we had a moment of silence before all *#@! broke loose and the customers arrived.  We had a successful weekend and we were thankful when it was over.  We met people who loved Scentsy as much as us and introduced it to MANY others.  Good times.

Our booth was one of many in front of this adorable, old  gingerbread house.  Such a fun house to be able to look at all weekend.  Beautiful chunky wood work. 

The weather was perfect for shopping!  Beautiful blue sky.

Love the chimney.  Wish there were one like this at my house.

Bloom where you are planted;)
Famous last words.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Eagle project and jalapeno jelly

Hope your weekend is turning out to be everything you hoped it would be. This is a picture taken last Thanksgiving at the Draper, Utah temple. Poor baby Jesus and his parents went through an incredibly windy winter with no shelter to protect them from the elements... brrrr!

Cotton is beginning his Eagle project. Here is the beginning of what will be a stable for the nativity at the Draper temple. More to come on this project later.

Mike brought in jalapenos this morning and I made yummy jelly tonight. Can't wait to have this poured over cream cheese with wheat thins to dip in and munch. Tomorrow I believe we shall have Jalapeno poppers courtesy of the Pioneer Woman Cooks Cookbook. Ay-chihuahua! Somebody call 911!